No turning back now, if you want a healthy, blooming cacti you must consider the care it needs. Cacti need TLC too. When purchasing cactus consider a few things such as:

LOCATION, where do you plan to set your cacti? 

The specimen's origin will give you a good indication of the plant’s care giving needs. Most cacti thrive in dry, hot, sunny environments. In order to encourage your cacti to grow and bloom it will need plenty of light. If you want to keep your cacti INDOORS then you should consider a grow light or place your cacti in a South facing window. 

You may place your cacti OUTSIDE and provide direct sunlight. Take in mind your cacti will need to be watered more often as the soil will dry faster. 

Most cacti prefer a warm environment, a temperature between  65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. They go dormant in the Fall and Winter from temperatures between 45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind the environment is what sets your specimen’s livelihood. If the temperature is too cold they will go dormant and if it’s  too hot then they will go dormant. Cactus are resilient and can surprise you on how much it can tolerate. 


Even though cacti don’t need much, that doesn’t mean cacti should be neglected. Initially when you purchase a specimen you want to get to know your specimen as the care will be a piece of cake. Usually cacti like to be watered once a week under the conditions that the ambient is hot and dry as stated above. If they are dormant, water once a month or 5-6 weeks. Any time you WATER your specimens ensure you check the soil moisture level to avoid overwatering. When dormant they are not growing but still need to refresh their roots once in a while.

Cacti can be picky when it comes to watering, they absolutely hate being wet. When WATERING your cacti consider the time of day you will be doing this. We strongly recommend watering your specimens in the morning so they have time to soak up the sun and dry up the unnecessary water. Terra Cotta is very popular for cacti because the planter will help soak the excess water as opposed to other planters. WATERING at night  takes longer for the water to dry causing the roots to stay wet longer which will only cause root rot. 

Cacti are very resilient because of how much water they retain within themselves. They expand and contract depending on the amount of water they hold. They will keep absorbing the water that is in their planter. Bottom feeding is always recommended as your specimen will drink what is needed, avoiding root rot. 

Overwatering is irreversible if you are ever not sure about watering your cacti just wait another day. They can survive without water longer than if you over pour risking root rot. Check the soil moisture before watering to ensure it's completely dry. Consider your environment, for example: if it’s a cloudy day then that's a clear indicator that the soil will remain wet longer. The goal is to keep your specimen dry as much as possible so waiting until the sun shines is preferred to water as opposed to letting your cactus sit in wet soil. 

If you are just starting to care for cacti you may experience even with the above guidelines your specimen still remains moist? Look into the type of soil your cactus was placed in. You may need to re-pot as the soil they initially provided your cactus with may not be compatible to your cactus needs. Many department stores are not gardeners and lack the actual TLC most specimens need. As we have mentioned before when you initially buy your specimen, get to know what you purchased to ensure you raise a healthy specimen. Soil is very important as you now know, cacti don’t like to sit in wet soil. Thus, the soil it sits in has to be well draining. 

If you are beginning to explore the cacti world you may use ready to use CACTUS/SUCCULENT soil. Other ready to use soil does not work as it will retain the water longer causing root rot. 


Overwatering is the most common cause of cacti death. In order to avoid root rot the soil must be 90%-100% before watering again. Think about purchasing a moisture meter as a tool. It will give you the most accurate reading of the moisture level in the soil you cannot see or touch. If you do not have a moisture meter you may also use a wooden stick such as a popsicle stick or toothpick. You stick your probe into the soil and only water if the wood is completely dry. 

If you decide to water your cacti by pouring water into the planter then keep an eye out for the water pouring out of the drainage hole. As soon as you see the water dripping out that is a clear sign that you can stop watering it.


In it for the long haul! As you can see, cacti need a little more patience and effort than just purchasing and forgetting about it. With the right living conditions your cacti too can bloom, take time to get to know your cacti, water according to your specimens needs, assess the soil that came with your cacti, ensure good lighting and most of all have fun! This article is not to discourage any new plant parents but to share the tips that were passed down to us by hobbyists  collectors, gardeners, and true cacti lovers. We enjoyed every minute of not knowing what we were doing but just like life, it all just takes practice, patience, and lots of TLC. 

We hope you enjoyed this article and share it with anyone that may need tips on how to care for their cacti babies. If you have any questions we are always here for conversation.



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